Plant Theft is a Global Epidemic but the solutions exists:
€1 Billion worth of plant is stolen in the EU every year according to the European Rental Association (ERA).
Over €0.5 Billion worth of plant has been stolen in the UK over the past 5 years - 8.7% has been recovered.
In the year Oct 2012-Sept 2013, 3,658 UK plant thefts were ‘reported to the police’ with an average machine value of £25k being c.£90m.
Predominantly the cost of plant theft is paid from ‘the bottom line’ of Contractors and cost them £450,000,000.00 – almost half a billion £’s, over the past five years.
Plant Theft in the EU will be reduced by 80% + when the passenger car security Directive EU 95/56 is extended to Construction Plant Equipment
Since 1998, the Anti-Theft Security EU Directive 95/56 has mandated that every passenger car must be supplied with a factory fitted immobilisation system before it can be registered for sales in
the EU. The Directive has reduced car theft by almost 80%. The extension of the Directive to Construction Plant and the mandating of 21st Century ‘fit for purpose’ technology, which is
available, will reduce plant theft by 80% plus.
UK Police recover c.0.9% of stolen plant.
European Police forces are obliged to operate with ever decreasing budgets and ever increasing responsibilities.
The scale of Plant theft is simply not justified in earning a place on their ‘top 10-20 ‘ list of priorities.
However with the police recovery rate of stolen plant at c.0.9% it is also clear that the police have no significant role to play and are not part of the solution to stopping the theft of construction
plant equipment.
The industry needs to re-focus and invest in the 21st Century anti-theft Smart technology which controls ‘Man & Machine’ and is available and proven to stop un-authorised
machine use and theft.
Plant Security, Man & Machine Safety - A Watershed Opportunity with Kosran next generation technology: |
Troubleshoot – what you need to know about plant theft.
Plant thieves do not joy-ride the machines
They steal them to order (and for export) for money
Left or right hand drive is not an issue
Most plant is yellow
Stolen plant is easy to sell because - Price is King
Demand from boom time territories and inability of factories to supply new machines further fuels supply, demand and movement of stolen plant.
Plant thieves are 100% organised professional criminals
Professional thieves will hot-wire every electric immobiliser in less than 90 seconds
UK Insurance Underwriters want to stop plant theft but are prohibited from selling insurance which must be done by Brokers.
Insurance discounts for security systems means less commission for a Broker.
Security systems need to be universally factory installed on every machine same as cars, this will deliver a level playing field for Brokers.
Only a 100% professional engineered Smart anti-theft system will stop unauthorised use and deter 100% professional criminals stealing plant. No machine secured with the Kosran SAC-Electronic Coded Valve system has been bypassed and stolen in over 5 years. See our testimonials »
To see why Kosran's products are fit for purpose, click here.
Let’s have some service , and Fit 4 Purpose plant available for hire. You are the Contractor, the ultimate customer of the Hire Company, you have rights too - and “it’s the
Law”. Under the New Corporate Manslaughter Act & Health & Safety CD&M Regulations 2007, both you and your company have serious legal obligations. Hiring un-secured plant which exposes
you to fatalities, accidents, theft, downtime, hassle, freebies, damage and repairs, insurance claims and the rest, does not make any sense anymore, its time for change. Demand Kosran and leave the
claims exposure and hassle behind.
Patrick Sheeran MRICS Kosran.
Mr. Patrick Sheeran MRICS,
Founder & CEO - Kosran SAC limited
Fight back – it’s time for change, customers have rights too.