Customer Testimonials

FM Conway UK - Top 10 Utilities Contractor
"Over 7 years we have never had a Kosran secured machine stolen".


ALEC - "ALEC Construction has a US$ 1 Billion turnover pa. We are the main contractor on the New Dubai Airport site. We control the machines permitted on site to maximise utilisation. We have worked with Kosran for a year; they have provided us with excellent economies, product and service. Contractors need to consider Kosran benefits very seriously".

Charles Wilson Engineers Ltd (CW Access Hire) was able to differentiate itself from competitors for the provision of MEWPs to the Cammell Laird Shipyard in Birkenhead, England by offering SAC.
"Kosran-SAC is certainly helping us to grow and sustain our relationship with the Cammell Laird shipyard which has over 250 IPAF operators on site. The Kosran system ensures that only permitted, qualified operators can use our aerial lifts and prevents them from being misused or misappropriated. This is a big bonus for site safety. As a rental company, we will see longer term benefits in terms of less unnecessary wear and tear in our MEWP fleet."
Gary Clements, Liverpool Depot Manager, Charles Wilson Access Hire.

Bam Nuttall - "Kosran is the market leader in preventing unauthorised use of plant machinery. It has a great reputation for both its product and service. We have been very pleased with its use on our crawler cranes and are now rolling it out to all our mobile plant, including our telehandlers".


Aviva - UK largest Plant Insurers offer exclusive policy 'only' for Kosran secured plant. Zero excess; Aviva will hire you an equivalent machine for 28 days if Kosran SAC Immobilisation Tracking System stolen, etc


Urbaparc - French Rental Company
favouring Hitachi machines. "Kosran is a very powerful product that will assist you driving down machinery theft in France".


Lavendon Group plc - World’s largest specialist access rental business.

“Kosran is a pioneering working at height best practice solution”

Kosran provides total user accountability – we know the PIN Code identities of whom, when, where and hours worked or not worked by operators.

The Kosran System manages, controls and restricts machine use to trained authorised operators with valid licenses for that machine type.

The un-authorised use of powered access is a key issue which demands this very robust machine safety and security system.

Kosran prevents serious injuries and consequential losses on sites.
Mick Ledden MD, Executive Director